Our Story
The Center for Climate Media was founded during the summer of 2017.
As a non-profit enterprise, its mission is to address a gap in climate communications, namely the insufficient use of deep advertising and marketing expertise to educate the public about climate change and to shift public norms away from dirty fossil fuels to clean energy. It also seeks to generate content to response to the stream of well-funded misinformation campaigns from fossil fuel interests.
The Center looks forward to collaborating with fellow members of the climate and other social movements to apply lessons learned and best practices. Partnership inquiries are most welcome.
Our Approach
We’re building a Center that brings together the best minds, tools and methods in contemporary marketing and advertising to crack the code of climate communications. Our approach combines three steps: an innovative creatives factory, advanced microtargeting and digital analytics, and filtering and amplification of only those messages that have been proven to resonate.
World Class Video Pipeline
Our goal is not the creation of one viral video, but the generation and testing of a steady stream of ad form content. Our creatives lab is our innovation engine for brainstorming, drafting, and producing an array content which is matched to best case understanding of audience value sets. It will also be the source of content to allow rapid response to misinformation campaigns.
MicroTargeting & Analytics
Through partnerships and internal capabilities, we’re assembling the best tools and platforms that will allow us to target, test and learn how our messages are resonating. Using advanced analytics and data gained collaborations and from pilot campaigns, we plan to build a database of audiences which will guide community growth and message analogues for follow on campaigns.
Filtering & Amplification
Given finding messages that resonate is as much art as science, we plan to employ rigorous filtering across all targeted groups to identify messages with high potential. Following production improvements, our goal is to use numerous audience specific advertising channels to amplify messaging and impact. Amplifying the ‘winners’ could be supported through campaign specific fundraising efforts, corporate sponsorship and/or support from the larger climate community.
Our Projects
Climate Media Lab
The Climate Media Lab is the heart of our creative efforts and both independently and through collaborations produces the content needed to support innovative climate communications campaigns. The initial focus is short video content, but longer features and education pieces are possible.
KICKCARBON.org is a hashtag, call to action and campaign resource all rolled into one. It is our planned gateway for people and organizations seeking additional information on low carbon living and to amplify campaign impact through symbols. In addition, it will support distribution of climate related marketing materials for individuals, schools and municipalities.
The GO.world project is the proposed overarching set of collaborations, campaigns or set of campaigns that will be coordinate our primary mission – namely shifting public opinion away from fossil fuel use towards clean energy. Like #kickcarbon, it is also an educational vehicle and a call to action.